Dear Can-Am Owner,

Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. is conducting a safety recall on certain vehicles.

What is the potential problem?

Some very specific riding terrains and conditions where the vehicle is driven in water (minimum of 310 mm, 12 inches deep) containing an important quantity of floating debris such as grass, hay and leaves may generate significant accumulation of debris in a short period of time in the exhaust area.

This accumulation could lead to a vehicle fire when the exhaust pipe is hot and the debris are dried. In some situations, this could result in serious property damages, injuries or even death.


What should you do?

If you do NOT ride in the above described specific terrains and conditions:

- You may continue to use your vehicle in a normal way; it does not need to be updated.

- Refer to the Operator's Guide Addendum "Cleaning Procedure of Exhaust Area"and apply the recommended cleaning schedule.

- Store this letter and the Addendum with the Operator’s Guide in the vehicle so it remains handy.

- However, if it is possible that your vehicle will be ridden in one of these  conditions, then you may have your vehicle updated at any time as described below. The Front Grill Kit will be available for any future request; for current or future owners.

If you ride in the above described conditions:

The Front Grill Kit will be available starting December 5th 2012 to update your vehicle at no cost to you.

- In the meantime, refer to the Addendum "Cleaning Procedure of Exhaust Area"and clean the potentially affected exhaust area every time the vehicle is used in the above described specific conditions.

- Store this letter and the Addendum with the Operator’s Guide in the vehicle so it remains handy.

- Contact your authorized dealer to inform them that you wish to have your vehicle updated and schedule an appointment.


What to do if you feel this notice is an error?

This notice was mailed to you according to the most current information we have available. If you no longer own this vehicle or the owner's information in this notice is incorrect, please contact BRP at your earliest convenience.

If you have questions, need assistance, or wish to find the nearest authorized BRP dealer:


Visit to locate the closest dealer

Or phone Australia ….BRP Australia Pty Ltd (02) 97946600

Or New Zealand….BRP Australia Pty Ltd (09) 2745718


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

After-Sales Service Department,
Bombardier Recreational Products Inc.