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Front Sprocket Wear - Potential Loss of Propulsion

Front Sprocket Wear - Potential Loss of Propulsion: (Canada only) Transport Canada Recall Number: 2022-258


Dear BRP Customer, 


Following the previous notice issued in May 2022, this updated notice is sent to you in accordance with the requirements of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. This is to inform you that your vehicle may contain a defect that could affect the safety of a person. BRP is conducting a safety recall.


Our records show that you own a potentially affected vehicle.


What is the potential problem? 

The front sprocket may be defective and may be subject to premature wear. Over time, the vehicle could lose propulsion. If the vehicle loses propulsion, there is an increased risk of a crash.


Which models are involved?

Certain 2015 to 2019 Can-Am® Spyder RT and F3 vehicles


What should you do?

  • The final repair is to replace the front sprocket and the sprocket screw.  The replacement procedure should take less than an hour.

  • Due to supply chain limitations, the parts for the final repair will gradually be available in a very limited quantity over an extended time period beginning October 31.

  • Contact your authorized BRP Can-Am dealer and schedule an appointment to havethe safety recall performed on your vehicle.

  • BRP will continue to offer an interim repair procedure. The procedure acts as a temporary solution until the parts for the final repair are available in sufficient quantity. The procedure is available at your dealer now and should take less than an hour.

  • BRP will repair your vehicle at no cost.

  • The wear occurs over usage time and varies between vehicles. In case of a loss of propulsion, you will maintain steering and braking functions, but you will not be able to maintain your speed. Please have your sprocket and sprocket screw replaced by your dealer, and, if you continue to ride your vehicle before the final repair, we recommend that you go to your dealer for the interim repair procedure.

  • If you leased this vehicle:

  • Send a copy of this letter to the lessee within ten working days after the day you received this letter.
  • Do the same with any future letters about this safety recall.


What to do if you feel you have received this notice by mistake:


This notice was mailed to you according to the most current information we have available.

If you no longer own this vehicle or some information regarding your name or address are incorrect, please contact BRP at your earliest convenience.


Your safety and continued satisfaction with our products are a priority for us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and remain committed to facilitating the process as much as we can.


Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. 




BRP Customer Services Department


• Visit www.brp.com

• Or call: 1-888-272-9222

  8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern time 7 days a week.