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Everyone’s welcome on the road

Women putting helmet on, sitting on Can-Am Ryker on playground.

Motorcycles historically have quite a masculine image. But at Can-Am, we understand that the road belongs to everyone. That is why our Women of On-Road community is so important to us — it gets more people onto the open road, and the open road doesn’t discriminate.

We asked some women riders about what On-Road means to them. Below, you can hear their reflections on how to claim your own place in the 3-wheel community.

Riding is not just a passion—it’s empowerment and independence

The amazing On-Road community is made up of people from around the world from all walks of life, who all have a shared passion—riding Can-Am 3-wheel vehicles. This community is determined to get anybody and everybody to overcome any fears they may have and hop on a Can-Am.

Different members embrace different sides of riding. For some, that means a passion for speed and riding. But this isn’t the only reason a Can-Am Spyder or Can-Am Ryker is the best choice for them. It’s just as much—if not more—about feeling empowered and independent on the road. That’s a feeling that brings the entire community together.

Riding the entire journey together

Our Women of On-Road community  is as much a community as it is a way for us, and everyone involved, to be able to address and affect the clear gender imbalance that’s been out there on the road. It’s a way to empower women at any given point on their On-Road journey. 

The purpose of our Women of On-Road community is to offer a sense of security, safety and encouragement to women who are passionate about motorcycles and want to feel part of a group. Our hope is that this allows as many women as possible to experience the true freedom and independence of riding.

Get to know us and be a part of something bigger

Whether you’re just exploring the idea of becoming a Can-Am rider, are just starting out as a rider, or want to expand your network, join the Women of On-Road community ! You’ll find there are lots of materials to get started, people sharing their stories of becoming a Can-Am rider, and much more! 

We hope to see you out on the open road, and that you get to rediscover yourself and discover a whole new world of freedom!


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