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Two ATV riders dressed in Can-Am apparel with the sun setting behind.

You're excited, we're excited! But before heading out into the wilderness, throw on the right gear for the conditions at hand. Here's a list of what we always wear when off-roading

The 5 must-have accessories when riding an ATV

High-quality helmet

Number one, for a reason, is a solid DOT-approved helmet. We’ve heard every reason not to wear a helmet, but we’re not buying it. This is the single most important article of clothing and means the difference between a good time and becoming a statistic. Invest in the best helmet you can afford. It's what to wear ATV riding every time.

Eye protection

Having to squint because the sun, dust, or wind is in your eyes isn’t a good look—and it’s really dangerous. Experience has taught us that goggles are essentials safety and comfort item that everyone should wear on a side-by-side or ATV. (Bonus: they also look cool.)

Long-sleeved shirt and pants

Wear a long-sleeved top and durable pants to protect yourself from abrasions, nicks, cuts, and the sun. How your clothing fits is also important. Keep in mind that your outfit shouldn’t be too baggy or loose. Otherwise, you’ll run the risk of getting it snagged or caught.

Full-finger gloves

The next consideration is your hands. Off-Road gloves help ensure a firm, reliable grip on the steering wheel, and they offer protection from any objects that may enter the cab. Wearing them while ATVing will also help keep your hands warm and comfortable on colder days.

Over-the-ankle boots

When thinking about what to wear when riding a UTV, remember your feet. Close-toed shoes are an absolute must, but over-the-ankle boots are highly recommended for additional support and protection. Nothing’s worse than having to pull a muddy winch line in the morning and having wet feet for the rest of the day.


Carry along extra waterproof gear and a change of socks, pants, and shirt. Layering with a base, mid and outer shell is a good approach that will keep you warm, dry, and happy even when adventuring for days at a time. Need gear to wear for ATV mudding? Hop into some waders.

Just like any other adventure in the outdoors, checking the weather is crucial. The wind chill at speed will make it colder than the ambient temperature. So in colder climates, it can get incredibly chilly once under way. You’ve planned everything else—don’t forget to plan your outfit head to toe. Now that you know what to wear when riding your ATV or SSV, get out there!

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