Learn how to handle your Can-Am Off-Road vehicle with great tips and informative videos.

Learning is Fun, We Make it Easy

A Can-Am Off-Road vehicle is designed to be easy to ride, but there’s always room to learn more about their safety and functionalities. We’ve compiled expert videos with great tips that will make every ride perfect.


We Have Essential Off-Road Safety Videos you’ll Appreciate. Watch, Learn and Enjoy Riding with Peace of Mind.


Going Off-Road is Easy when you Know the Ins and Outs for Safety and Handling.


Everything you Need to Know About Off-Roading Before you Turn the Key.

Safety Videos SSV / ATV

Side-by-Side (SxS or SSV) Safety video on Can-Am's YouTube Channel
ATV & 4-wheel Safety video on Can-Am's YouTube channel

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Please check out the Off-Road Livin’ and Owner Zone sections on our website; they have a ton of information for riders including upcoming events, classes and educational tools!

A: You can subscribe to our newsletter here! If you wish to unsubscribe from Can-Am/BRP emails, simply click on the “unsubscribe“ button at the bottom of the email. Don’t forget that you can also follow us on social media.

A: You can find detailed information about suspension adjustments in the Tune your Ride section in the Operator’s Guide. Otherwise, feel free to contact your authorized dealership, they'll be happy to provide you with additional information and assistance.

Can't find what you're looking for?

If you still can't find what you're looking for, get in touch with your local dealer or reach out to us here!