A farmer standing next to his Tundra Green Outlander PRO XU farm ATV in front of several stacked round hay bales

Own Every Job

Our Can-Am Farm SxS's Make It Easy to Work Hard

It’s Time to Kick Your Feet Up

Master every challenge and reinvent your grind with a Can-Am workhorse. Our SSV farm vehicles make easy work of your tough jobs to tick off your to-do list. What will you do with all that free time?

A rider on his Tundra Green Outlander PRO XU loaded with working gear, including the LinQ Chainsaw Holder

Proven Reliability

A Rotax Engine in Every Ride

A Can-Am vehicle is powered by a Rotax engine for unmatched performance — without compromising reliability. With less noise and vibration, your experience is elevated to keep you focused on any tasks.

A farmer towing a heavy round hay bale behind her Tundra Green Defender DPS HD7

When You Say Tow, We Say How Much

Working Together for Capable Hauling

Move loads up to 2,500 lb (1,134 kg) with the Defender, 3,000 lb (1,360 kb) with the Defender 6x6, and 2,000 lb (907 kg) on the Commander. That’s what it means to work hard!

A Can-Am rider installing a LinQ Cargo box in the bed of his Defender Lonestar ranching SSV.

New Ways to Stow and Go

Reinvent How You See Storage Space

You’ll be surprised at how much you can pack in just one vehicle. With gimmick-free practicality, our 4 wheelers and SxS are designed to move dirt, mulch or rock around the property — with room to spare.

the best model can am to have by your side for work


Tools To Choose The Right Ride




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